Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Bersama Banda Neira

        2 dari 3 post terakhir gua berhubungan dengan sekelompok musisi yang lagi sangat gua gandrungi, Mereka adalah Banda Neira. Kebetulan kemarin sempat buat review album terbaaru mereka untuk tugas dari 8EH jadi sekalian aja dipost disini, siapa tahu ada yang baca dan tertarik untuk mencoba musik mereka.
        Mungkin bagi sebagian besar telinga pecinta musik tanah air nama “Banda Neira” masih terdengar sangat asing, Banda Neira adalah duo musisi pop-folk yang terdiri atas Ananda Badudu and Rara Sekar. Setelah tahun lalu mengeluarkan EP “Di Paruh Waktu”, pada bulan Mei 2013 kemarin Banda Neira  merilis album pertama mereka yang berjudul “Berjalan Lebih Jauh.”  Mereka mengakui bahwa awalnya Banda Neira merupakan proyek iseng saja, namun dengan dorongan dan support baik secara materil dan moral dari kawan-kawan Koperasi Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Universitas Parahyangan (KKBM Unpar) akhirnya album pertama ini berhasil diproduksi dibawah Sorge Records.
        Dengan alunan gitar yang apik dan lirik-lirik berbahasa Indonesia yang puitis, Banda Neira benar-benar membawa pendengarnya bagaikan  berada dalam suatu dimensi lain yang jauh dari hirukpikuk kehidupan kota.  Walaupun warna musik mereka seringkali dijuluki sebagai “Nelangsa Pop”, lagu-lagu Banda Neira tidak melulu merupakan lagu sendu atau yang sering disebut anak muda jaman sekarang “galau”. Dalam Album ini terdapat banyak track yang malah akan membuat pendengarnya bersemangat seperti track andalan mereka “Berjalan Lebih Jauh”  yang mengajak pendengarnya untuk ‘bangun’, atau ada juga “Diatas Kapal Kertas” yang terdengar sangat jenaka. 
        Apabila ingin tahu lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi dimana mereka berbagi mengenai pengalaman mereka  dan juga info-info yang sangat menarik. Album mereka pun dapat dibeli di Sorgemagz, KKBM Unpar, Omuniuum, Kineruku, dll.


Since the last post tells about my experience there, I think I should put some pictures here, just to show off a little  ;)

"Make a new scene, make it happy ending"

The people I miss the most ~


Senin, 25 November 2013

Bliss, Remembrance & Closure

Few weeks ago, on 15th November 2013 I decided to visit my old family, the Mathematics Department of Universitas Indonesia. I came to fulfill my promise to attend one of the biggest event my angkatan held, it was FORSIL 2013.

Coming there, I didn't know what to expect, I was very giddy, nervous, afraid and excited at the same time. I thought coming there would be the best option to give my self the much needed closure, I thought that by coming there I would be able to satisfy all of this longing and curiosity. I thought that coming there would solve everything and I'd be able to really move on.

Damnit, I had never been more wrong.

Coming there was like a vacation, very fun and exhilarating. Coming there was like coming home, so comfortable and warm. Coming there was easily one of the best moments in these few months. 
It was so easy to laugh, for once I really got all the jokes. It had been such a long time since the last time I laughed that hard, it had been way too long since the last time I laughed 'till my stomach literally hurt. 
I hadn't talked that long with someone, coming there I feel like I found my self again, my carefree self who couldn't care less about what next word to say, whether this will offend the people in front of me or not, whether it's okay or not to express my opinion about certain things & so much more. 
It was effortless, being happy was effortless, being comfortable was effortless. everything I did there was so effortless. I love seeing those familiar faces I know by heart, I love knowing that I still have a home there.

And then it hit me, how much I missed everything.
I miss the people. I miss their scents, I miss their laughter, I miss their sense of humor, I miss the safety I felt around them, I miss how easy it was to laugh with them. I miss them
I miss the building, yes I actually miss the building. I used to hate it, I hated how unmaintained it was, I hated how it had to be closed at 6 pm, I hated the restroom and I even hated the stairs. But I didn't realize that it provided me a place to belong. Being a new student in ITB means that you gotta stick around in common buildings or library with the strangers whom you can't talk to and people you'd rather avoid. It's just so different, I'm so used to hanging around in the hall or 'teras matek' whenever I got nothing to do, there we could gather around, just doing nothing, chitchating, doing homeworks, and just being together. But now I feel like a lost puppy whenever I have no classes.

There are many other things to be missed but I'd rather not go into details.

Well, here I am living my dream yet it's still hard for me to move on from the past, not to mention that I have been missing out so much. I'm not going to try catching up with those things I've missed because it would be left in vain. Slowly but surely I know I have to back out, I know that I'm losing my place and it's okay, maybe. I honestly don't know how long I can keep this up, sometimes in my lowest point I feel like changing my phone numbers, making new accounts and forgetting everything. But we all know that it is a very stupid idea because you can't choose which memories to remember, you can only choose to pretend ignoring them.

Coming there again had made it clear, that I'm never going to forget about them, about everything that had happened the past year. And  that's what saddens me the most, coming there had made me realize that I could be that happy. It had made me remember that it's possible to feel Home outside my real home.

You might think I'm exaggerating things, But it's me we're talking about. I'm the worst person when it comes to adapting into new things , I'm also very bad at being close to new people, I'm like a lump of awkwardness to the people I'm not close with. That's why when I feel comfortable around certain people or things, I always get too attached.

Perhaps it was just because I visited them at the time when the euphoria was so thick on the air, or perhaps it was because I hadn't expect my trip to Depok would be that fun. Perhaps it was because I didn't let myself to admit how much I miss everything. 

But, I feel like I haven't said enough thank you to all of them, especially MAT12ICES.
Thank you for being my family, for the past year, even until now and beyond. Thank you for not forgetting me, I really love the quote you gave me "You'll always be a part of us and you will never walk alone" ,I wish you all endless success and don't forget to have fun! I love you all so much!  
And to the people I could never forget, Ditya, Insan, Kinan, Lintang, Maria, Niken, Ova, Zainul.
You know how much I love you all. Try not to forget me yaa!<3

Well, for a friendly reminder, I don't regret moving. I don't think I ever will, It has always been my one big lifetime dream, it is a choice that have no space for regret. I'm falling hard for this city, I love its weather, I love coming back to my room finding it's warm when it's freezing outside and the opposite. I love the atmosphere, and I'm surely, slowly falling for the people too. 

I guess all I can do is to just keep walking, walking, and walking

Life is going to be so wonderful
One day I'll look back saying endless thank you. Amin

1000 Words
10:41 pm
25 November 2013
This post has been my final closure.

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Di Beranda

Dan jika suatu saat 
Buah hatiku, buah hatimu 
Untuk sementara waktu pergi
 Usahlah kau pertanyakan 
ke mana kakinya kan melangkah
 Kita berdua tahu, dia pasti

Pulang ke rumah

Diatas merupakan petikan lirik dari lagu "Di Beranda" oleh sekelompok musisi yang sedang mendominasi playlist gua sehari-hari, Banda Neira. Lagu ini menceritakan mengenai dialog seorang ayah dan ibu tentang anaknya yang sedang merantau. Mungkin terkesan aneh kalau gua memetik lagu ini, gua bukan seorang ibu, dan jelas sekali belum punya anak. Namun setelah membaca blog mereka lebih lanjut, ternyata kata-kata di lirik ini sebenarnya kata-kata yang ingin disampaikan sang penulis untuk ibunya yang disamarkan dalam bentuk dialog ayah-ibu. Ya, seakan-akan ayah nya lah berkata seperti itu pada ibunya, padahal sebenarnya ini adalah curahan hati anak untuk ibunya. Bait diatas merupakan bait favorit gua, Entah kenapa, bait ini memiliki daya tarik yang sangat tinggi, Bagi gua bait ini memiliki optimisme, keyakinan seorang anak, kepercayaan sang orang tua, dan kehangatan sebuah rumah.

'Such a beautiful lyric', itu pikiran pertama gua setelah mendengar lagu ini, namun kedua kali mendengar lagu ini, tiba-tiba sesuatu mengganggu pikiran gua. Apakah gua sudah dapat mengatakan hal tersebut kepada kedua orang tua gua? Ya gua memang merantau di kota orang, namun jarak nya dapat ditempuh dalam 4 jam perjalanan, bahkan gua pun selalu pulang ke rumah setidaknya 2 minggu sekali. Apakah gua sudah pantas mengatakan hal tersebut disaat jarak kurang lebih 200 km merupakan satu-satunya penghalang gua dengan rumah? Bukannya gua ingin jauh-jauh dari rumah, apalagi dari orang tua, God knows I can't stay in Bandung more than 2 weeks without seeing them, maksud gua adalah bahwa gua belum berjalan cukup jauh, tempat gua berada sekarang terasa terlalu normal, hampir terlalu aman malah, maka dari itu gua masih harus berjalan jauh untuk melihat dunia lebih luas lagi

Lagu ini mengingatkan gua akan satu mimpi yang hampir gua lupakan; Keliling Dunia! tahun lalu bahkan gua melukis sebuah peta dunia besar di dinding kamar gua, tujuannya selain untuk memperindah kamar adalah untuk mengingatkan gua bahwa dunia bukan hanya kamar gua, namun ada dunia luar, dan saat melukis itu gua berjanji bahwa suatu hari gua akan melihat peta dunia tersebut dengan bangga karena gua sudah mengunjungi tempat-tempat di peta tersebut. Amin. Rasanya ingin segera lulus dan mencari beasiswa ke luar negeri, ke negara entah berantah disana. Ingin segera menapakan kaki di negara yang tak dikenal, ingin belajar sesuatu yang baru, ingin melakukan hal besar, ingin segera berpetualang dan berjalan jauh, jauh, jauh. Terdengar sangat mengandai-andai memang, semester satu saja belum selesai tapi soksokan sekali sudah bicara tentang pendidikan selanjutnya. Ya namanya juga sedang bersemangat.....

Mungkin nanti, pada saat itu gua bisa mengatakan bait terebut kepada orang tua gua, di saat gua sudah melangkah jauh, menentukan pilihan hidup sendiri, dan menemukan petualangan baru. 

Semoga nanti, suatu saat, gua bisa membanggakan orang tua gua, dan membalas semua kepercayaan serta doa-doa dari mereka.


Dan apabila mungkin ada yang penasaran, ini lagunya :) 

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


a beautiful simple song that fits me just all too well recently.

Rindu (musikalisasi puisi Subagio Sastrowardoyo)

Rumah kosong
Sudah lama ingin dihuni
Adalah teman bicara; Siapa saja atau apa 

 Jendela, kursi, Atau bunga di meja 
Sunyi, menyayat seperti belati 
Meminta darah yang mengalir dari mimpi

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

it's October!

I know that one of my last post was titled "August part I",There should be an "August part II" but then suddenly it's October already! Even September has already passed! 

One of the reasons I haven't updated much is because there was nothing much to be shared. I didn't want this blog to be a sappy blog where I pour all of my sometimes depressing thoughts, I want to share more about the normal and somewhat happy side of me. And the last month hasn't exactly been that 'happy' 

I'd be lying if I told you I haven't been thrilled. The truth is all of these moving to Bandung and being a Maba again has been a strange experience. It was much much harder than I thought, meeting new kind of people that didn't exist in my encyclopedia before, having to go through a new routine and making huge effort to befriend with new people again. And one of the worst thing is I can't complain because this is what I had wanted all along and this is my choice; to let go what I had and starting fresh. So, weeks ago I had it hard, I wasn't that happy with everything. 
But you should know I have no regrets, not even a little, not even the slightest. This is just a phase I have to go through to achieve my dream, it's all natural and everyone goes through this phase in their life. And I surely do love ITB and Bandung! So I guess it will all be okay, it's just a matter of time right?  I mean the fact that I updated this blog shows that I'm much happier now. And I really am happy, even thinking about being here itself already makes me giddy.

By the way, I found this place in Bandung not that far from my kostan. It's called "Reading Lights". It's an English bookstore which also sell the used books. It also has a cafe in it. It's not that big and it's not fancy. It only has several tables but I find this place pretty comfortable. Probably because it is not that crowded. Even though all the tables are occupied, it's quiet in here. And the WiFi is very fast! it's really nice. I wouldn't say the coffee is that good, but it's good enough to make you wanting to come again. It's the first time I come here and I've been staying here for more than two hours. Many other costumers have come before me and still stay in their position. This is a very comfortable place to spend your time, I just wish they had more sofas and menus.

Anyway it's October already! Many dear people I know will be celebrating their birthday this month! But too bad it seems like I wouldn't be there to celebrate because somehow ITB has decided to use all the Saturdays for UTS! yes, it's UTS tomorrow! Wish me luck! :')

Even with all the UTS I'm still looking forward for October, May this month be a great month for us! :-)

Kamis, 05 September 2013

The Comforting Set-up

There’s always a certain kind of comfort whenever I listen to music in the darkness.   
It’s not that I like darkness that much, I just find solitude here. When my eyes are no longer busy taking care of my surrounding, suddenly everything feels so much less complicated. It’s comforting, really. The lights is no longer jabbing your eyes and you’re left blinded, the only thing left is the peaceful darkness. Maybe a part of the reason why it’s comforting is the fact that you can’t see much, and so you start to ignore your surrounding and furthermore your world. It’s quiet, but, usually when I lay alone in the quiet darkness my thoughts would run wild and bizarre, that’s why music is needed. Music always takes me to a whole new universe. It has an effect that nothing else has, it can lifts up and slams down my mood at the same time. It’s the best thing that can give me comfort, that’s why it collaborates the best with the dark room. 

it’s my very own version of comfort, we may have it different, so find your own comforting set-up :)

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

August: Part I

I know I haven't updated this blog for a quite long time, so many things have happened I don't even know where to start telling you. Oh by the way some friends of mine addressed my last post "leaf", they asked me why and showed their concern. I don't even know that there are people who actuallly read this blog, however I'm really grateful for those people, thank you for caring. It's okay, It was just one of my ups and downs. 

Okay, let's get started here......
What's been happening in my life?

You all know how much I want to study in SAPPK ITB right? Well, you also know how I failed miserably last year, And some of you probably know how I felt like I don't belong in mathematics. But do you know that this year I got accepted in SAPPK ITB?!

I can't stop saying Alhamdulilah and thanking Allah SWT. My dream really came true, maybe God just wanted me to wait, I'm sure there must be a reason behind everything. Thank you, thank you!
Thank you for all of my friends who never stopped supporting and believing in me, I really appreciate all of your "it's okay", "good luck", "you can do it!" "I believe in you". Thank you for my family who's been very supportive and loving. Thank you for everything everyone~!

I gotta admit that it's so funny, it seems like God has planned all of this for me. Remember weeks ago when I was really down, unmotivated, and blue? Well it took time, but I somehow managed to get my self out of the mess, and then I said to my self "it's okay, everything is really okay, it's time to let go. You're gonna be good, just go on, maybe this is where you belong, it's okay"  Seriously that was the time when I stopped worrying too much about everything and just let everything go, let everything flow. And suddenly BAM, God gives me something I've wanted for years, it's like a belated birthday gift. 
I earn so much lessons, First of all is to never give up no matter how impossible it seems, second is not to worry too much, and third is to believe that God always has a bigger plan for you.

Between the glee and all the euphoric feelings,
I'm very, very, very sad.
I have met so many great people in last year, and God knows how amazing my best friends are. I'm so lucky to ever got a chance to know them. Dit,Va,Ken,Nan,Mar,Tang,Zan..., take care there, and please try not to forget me :')  . Thank you for always being there, thank you for never stopped lending a helping hand, thank you for keep listening no matter how random my conversation is, thank you for accompanying me whenever I suddenly craved for some random foods. Thank you for being there!
I know that this is just a start of something so much bigger, I know that the journey won't be as easy as what I expected. I know that the road can be bumpy, and the mountain is very high, I'll try to do my best and make up for what I didn't get to do last year. 

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Joanna Wang - Wild World

"But if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
Just remember there's
A lot of bad and beware"

this is a remake of Cat Steven's Wild World. I really love how Joanna sings it so deeply.
the first time I heard this song, suddenly I wished someone would sing it for me 
impossible though

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013


I don't have any idea where this quote came from, but it's just perfect.

Senin, 20 Mei 2013


Sigur Ros is a post-rock band from Iceland who just held its very first concert in Indonesia, it was held on 10 May 2013. After all the struggles of saving money, I was finally able to buy the ticket. I went there with the person who introduced me with the band, my big brother.
They said the concert would be started at 7 p.m, being very excited we were, we arrived at 4 p.m. We really thought that the queuing line would've been started by then but turns out there was no line, all of the sudden people just gathered in front of the door. So basically I should have come much much later because the concert started at 9 pm.

My money only got me the tribune seats, but my seat was PERFECT. I was right in front of the stage and the distance wasn't far. I could see them very clearly. I also saw some people smoking cigarette on the festival area so I guess I was really lucky indeed.
I'm gonna tell you about the concert but please don't expect too much, I'm not a wordsmith....

I have heard people saying that you must at least watch Sigur Ros concert once before you die. I have heard people saying that Sigur Ros concert is really great. I also have watched some of their concert in youtube
and it was really cool indeed. But I didn't expect it to be this AMAZING

It was everything you could have asked. When we entered the hall, the stage was covered by huge white screen. I and my brother wondered how will they lifted up the screen, but they didn't. The first song started and images and videos were projected to the screen. Right behind the screen we could see their silhouettes playing their instrument. Damn it was gorgeous! The first song was Yfirborð I almost cried when I first heard Jonsi's voice.  The second song was Ný Batterí and that was the time when the screen effect got to the climax. They showed silhouettes of different member on each beats then they just let the screen fell and the crowd got wild.

This is their setlist:

Every song has its climax and new things to leave the audience in awe. When Hoppípolla came the crowd went wild again. I was frantic! I couldn't even turn my camera on, I had never been that happy this year.
In some songs the crowd made their own 'koor' and it drew smiles on their faces, jonsi also said 'thank you'.

My favorite moment was Ný Batter, Svefn-g-englar, Glósóli , Hoppipola, and definitely the encore Popplagið. Popplagio was mad! damnit, I couldn't even say a word, my mouth literally hanged open, and my eyes were fixed on the stage. Everyone turned on their video camera, and the crowd goes wilder as if it was possible. 

I only knew half of the songs and I couldn't understand a word they were singing. But my emotion was crumpled up and shaken up. Their talent, their music, their stage act are something to be thankful for, and Jonsi's voice must be a gift from the God. 

it was more than just a concert, it was almost like a spiritual journey. I guess the right word to describe the concert is 'magical'. Yes, the Sigur Ros concert was magical.

p.s at the end of the concert I heard someone said "Subhanallah, Subhanallah ya Allah itu keren banget". While I really agreed with him, I couldn't help but laughed.

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013


look what I just found at the bottom of our 'laporan python'. I'm pretty sure, she is reffering to the whole programming language, not just the nested if. Because I would run away from all of these if I could

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


I guess we just really love Ironman, especially this super cool mask \m/

taken from kinan's Instagram

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Drunk Ted

My favorite character in my favorite comedy tv show singing my one of favorite cheap trick's song.
Drunk Ted Mosby, Everyone...
this is just too cute

Rabu, 24 April 2013


-The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, Haruki Murakami

I find this line very amusing. It probably also describes most of my conversation with people I'm not close with...

Senin, 15 April 2013

Elementary School, part I

I just read one of my elementary friend's blog, he wrote about his life as an elementary student, and it really brings back so much memories. To be honest, my elementary school life was probaby more exciting than High school, LOL.
I went to SD Yustia Puri, it was a very small private school. Unlike other schools, my school only had one class for each grade, and there were only few of us (students). This school was far from fancy, it was barely able to pay for the teachers. 
It wasn't my first school, I originally went to Tarakanita Elementary School, Tarakanita was honestly a much better school than Yustia Puri, but it was too far and I didn't really get along with the kids. So by the 3rd quarter my parents moved me to this tiny little school
When I first joined the class, there were about 32 students, but at the end only 21 of us stay together.
We went through so much  together! Everything from emonitional fights, groups, suicidal friends and even an angry man with a machete! 


My school was really small, it didn't have any field for us to play sport. But, right beside my school there was a huge field that belong to the people who lived around there. So we always did our sport lesson there and everytime the break time came, we always played together in that field. We were just little kids, we did some mistakes such as throwing our trash around and making the field messy. There was a time when we were banned from the field and we had to do our sport lesson in our small parking lot. Since that time we learned and we tried to always keep the field clean. But, we weren't the only kids who play in that field, sometimes the kids from around also liked to play there. 
One day, we had PE, but our teacher was late so we played alone in the field, then all of the sudden there was this big bald man came so fast while shouting at us. He asked us to leave the field. As if the fact that he was wearing nothing but boxer didn't scare us enough, he came with a machete! Can you believe that?! He came while shouting and lifting his machete up to the air as if we were some kind of animals! We were really scared and so we instantly flied up from the field and hid in our class. It turned out that he saw so many plastic cups in the field and he thought it was our doing, when actually it was the other kids' doing! 
Too bad, my school didn't have enough power to do anything, so there wasn't any official action taken to that scary dangerous old man.


There are so many other stories, I'll share more of them when I have the time!

Minggu, 14 April 2013

Noah and The Whale - Give A Little Love

A very beautiful video featuring a beautifully written song, it's not the official MV, but it works perfectly with the song. 
It shows how simple it is to spread the love in this world, you just need to 'give a little love' 

Well I know my death will not come/ 'Til I breathe all the air out my lungs/ 'Til my final tune is sung/ That all is fleeting/ Yeah, but all is good/ And my love is my whole being/ And I've shared what I could/ But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own/ Don't break his heart/ Well my heart is bigger than the earth/ And though life is what gave it love first/ Life is not all that it's worth/ 'Cause life is fleeting/ Yeah, but I love you/ And my love surrounds you like an ether/ In everything that you do/ But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own/ Don't break his heart/ Well if you are (what you love)/ And you do (what you love)/ I will always be the sun and moon to you/ And if you share (with your heart)/ Yeah, you give (with your heart)/ What you share with the world is what it keeps of you

Kamis, 11 April 2013

beginning of april

Miss me much?

Yes, I had been very busy and didn't have time to update this blog. So you've probably been wondering what was happening to me, and my last post couldn't possibly help either.

These last two weeks I had the midterm test, and yes it's still going on, the last one is Chemistry and it's tomorrow, yay!
The beginning of April was a chaos! I'm kidding,-not really, it's just the mid term tests started on the 1st of April and I can't help but loathing it. Honestly I might have never felt that bad about my self, I don't know I just felt like I had done everything I could, I had put so damn much effort and yet it still wasn't enough, not even close. And it made me mad, it made me really angry to my self. So, yeah the beginning of april wasn't good. 

Enough about midtermtest, right now I'm having a quality time with self.
I just had a relaxing warm shower, alone in a bedroom where I can directly see the Jakarta's skyline while blogging and watching E!channel like there's no tomorrow. I guess it's just really easy to make me happy, as easy as making me sad.

By the way, how are you? how's life?
With everything that's going around in this world, it really is a blessing to be able to say "I'm good", everywhere you turn you see people saying negative things and being ignorant. Whether it's traffic jam or the overly heated weather there's always a reason to not feel good. So, if you're one of those who is able to say "I'm good" confidently, I'd like to say congratulation! finally I find someone who stays positive!

Okay, this post is going nowhere and now I'm rambling with no direction, pardon me

See you!

Selasa, 09 April 2013


I wish I didn't hate my self this much
it's just, every single thing I do just keeps making me hate my self even more
I had never done anything right, and it's just getting harder
I tried really hard to push these feelings aside, but they always resurface
I'm such a mess  

Senin, 04 Maret 2013


"I think if I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won't tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn't change the fact that they were upset. and even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have"

-Stephen Schbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

Moonrise Kingdom
Director: Wes anderson
Writers: Wes Anderson Roman Coppola
Stars: Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, Bruce Willis, Bill Muray, Edward Norton

"A pair of young lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out and find them."

Moonrise Kingdom is a movie directed by Wes Anderson. Sets in 1965, in a remote coastal city, this movie tells a story about two 12 years old chilren. Sam, a talented khaki scout who has a very distinguished personality than the others. Suzy, a troubled child who is not happy with her own family. They meet accidentaly in a chruch and they have been writting letters to each other since then. Dissatisfied with life they're living, and looking for adventures, they begin a journey through the wilderness together. Their missing put everyone in chaos, and so the hunting begins.

This movie is really beautiful, it's just briliant. The story is simple, and is told very straightfully.

The main characters are potrayed as two naive children who are looking for something bigger that what they know. Their love story is also really interesting, although these two may don't seem to match each other and there seems to be lack of interaction at the beginning, you can't help but be drawn to their relationship.
It's just really sweet.

The movie captures the naivity, the magical and adventurous side of children and it also shows the awkwardness of being a pre-teenager. But they're not the only stars in the story, the other supporting characters also build a considerable amount of the main story.

I won't say it's a funny movie, but there surely some great scenes that will make you laugh and smile throughout the movie.

It has great casts, beautiful cinematic shots, arousing soundtrack, and magical atmosphere.
It's a briliant movie indeed :)

4/5 stars

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Second Term!

Hello! It's me again, as always

So, Term II has started hooray!
I'm not really excited about 'studying' again, but I am actually looking forward to see what this new semester has for me. Well, I got some new lecturers (some of which I wish I don't) and new classmates and also new things to learn. Maybe it will be stressful again, maybe it will be hard but let's just strive for the best and enjoy it as much as I can!

here is my new schedule:

 It may seems that I have a lot of free time but I know soon it will all be full with 'responsi' and 'praktikum' therefore in the first week I pledge to enjoy these free time!

And these were my stuffs that I brought to Depok, my family literally laughed at me for bringing so much, but you know my motto, you can't never pack too much!

Let's start this semester with happy smiles and positive feeling!