Senin, 20 Mei 2013


Sigur Ros is a post-rock band from Iceland who just held its very first concert in Indonesia, it was held on 10 May 2013. After all the struggles of saving money, I was finally able to buy the ticket. I went there with the person who introduced me with the band, my big brother.
They said the concert would be started at 7 p.m, being very excited we were, we arrived at 4 p.m. We really thought that the queuing line would've been started by then but turns out there was no line, all of the sudden people just gathered in front of the door. So basically I should have come much much later because the concert started at 9 pm.

My money only got me the tribune seats, but my seat was PERFECT. I was right in front of the stage and the distance wasn't far. I could see them very clearly. I also saw some people smoking cigarette on the festival area so I guess I was really lucky indeed.
I'm gonna tell you about the concert but please don't expect too much, I'm not a wordsmith....

I have heard people saying that you must at least watch Sigur Ros concert once before you die. I have heard people saying that Sigur Ros concert is really great. I also have watched some of their concert in youtube
and it was really cool indeed. But I didn't expect it to be this AMAZING

It was everything you could have asked. When we entered the hall, the stage was covered by huge white screen. I and my brother wondered how will they lifted up the screen, but they didn't. The first song started and images and videos were projected to the screen. Right behind the screen we could see their silhouettes playing their instrument. Damn it was gorgeous! The first song was Yfirborð I almost cried when I first heard Jonsi's voice.  The second song was Ný Batterí and that was the time when the screen effect got to the climax. They showed silhouettes of different member on each beats then they just let the screen fell and the crowd got wild.

This is their setlist:

Every song has its climax and new things to leave the audience in awe. When Hoppípolla came the crowd went wild again. I was frantic! I couldn't even turn my camera on, I had never been that happy this year.
In some songs the crowd made their own 'koor' and it drew smiles on their faces, jonsi also said 'thank you'.

My favorite moment was Ný Batter, Svefn-g-englar, Glósóli , Hoppipola, and definitely the encore Popplagið. Popplagio was mad! damnit, I couldn't even say a word, my mouth literally hanged open, and my eyes were fixed on the stage. Everyone turned on their video camera, and the crowd goes wilder as if it was possible. 

I only knew half of the songs and I couldn't understand a word they were singing. But my emotion was crumpled up and shaken up. Their talent, their music, their stage act are something to be thankful for, and Jonsi's voice must be a gift from the God. 

it was more than just a concert, it was almost like a spiritual journey. I guess the right word to describe the concert is 'magical'. Yes, the Sigur Ros concert was magical.

p.s at the end of the concert I heard someone said "Subhanallah, Subhanallah ya Allah itu keren banget". While I really agreed with him, I couldn't help but laughed.

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