Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Second Term!

Hello! It's me again, as always

So, Term II has started hooray!
I'm not really excited about 'studying' again, but I am actually looking forward to see what this new semester has for me. Well, I got some new lecturers (some of which I wish I don't) and new classmates and also new things to learn. Maybe it will be stressful again, maybe it will be hard but let's just strive for the best and enjoy it as much as I can!

here is my new schedule:

 It may seems that I have a lot of free time but I know soon it will all be full with 'responsi' and 'praktikum' therefore in the first week I pledge to enjoy these free time!

And these were my stuffs that I brought to Depok, my family literally laughed at me for bringing so much, but you know my motto, you can't never pack too much!

Let's start this semester with happy smiles and positive feeling! 

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