Senin, 04 Februari 2013

One Week Left!

I really wish that I could tell you fun stories about my holiday but well I had been a fool and literally spent the holiday sleeping, watching kdramas, and --I don't even remember. The point is, I have wasted my holiday doing nothing and now I'm practically complaining that holiday is not long enough for me to do all of my holiday resolutions. Boo! I'm so uber uncool.
My motto has always been "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted" and it still is, but I feel like I may haven't really enjoyed those times I wasted.  All I did was "waking up in the afternoon- *blur**blur* -suddenly it was night -spending time with my laptop till dawn" I belive that it's the main point of having holiday, to act stupid and enjoy life as if you have all the time in your hand, but maybe, maybe I had been overdoing it.

Well! On the bright side, I realized my stupidity before the whole holiday is over and now I still have a week to be enjoying holiday, not wasting it.
I'm already planning on what to do for the rest of the week. can't wait.

I'll keep you updated!

and by the way, I, at least, got to hang out with Indan this holiday!

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