Jumat, 20 April 2012

Where do you see your self in 10 years?

"Where do you see your self in 10 years?"

Ten years from now, that means that I'd be about 27 going on 28.
I wish, I'll have finished my master degree from a good university in foreign country. I will have traveled around the world, I will have tasted the experience of being a backpacker in foreign countries. I will have married with a loving husband. -and possibly living in a small but very comfortable home while saving up money to build a bigger one, my dream home. maybe planning for kids. I will be working in a big company with a good position while earning experience to go further. I will do great and big things.


That's a lot. I know. Some people will probably hit me in the head and say 'Don't dream too much!' I know that not everything goes with the plan. My mother once told me when she was young she had a dream to travel the world. But as she got older more important things came, she needed to be realistic and put aside her dream. I guess that's just how the world is. But  don't want to give up on my dream. It's not  a  dream, it's a plan. I may sound arrogant but I want it so bad, I need to make sure that I will still remember it when those obstacles come. That my wills will be bigger than the problems I have ahead.
Still, I realize at the end of the day everything is decided by Allah SWT, but there's no harm in trying rite?
May all my dreams come true. Amin.

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