Senin, 09 April 2012

the last days of school.

Seven days from now, I'll be having the National Examination. Tadaaatadaaaa.
I feel happy, scared, sad, and in some ways excited. I don't know how to put it. there is so much feeling inside of me. the feeling is almost overwhelming. Okay, some of you may feel like I'm exaggerating thing. it's not really about the National Exam, it's more about these last moment I have in High School. Heck, this week is the last week of having school. Like a real school. You know, I have been having the same routine for twelve freaking years and now it's about to stop. What routine? Well you know waking up in the morning, having a breakfast, wearing uniform, take off to school at about 6:30, and then going home in the afternoon. That had been my life for the last twelve years. And I know it's not like I'm gonna get married after high school. I still have College and people say that I shouldn't take this too seriously. But still, the little things like knowing that there won't be any uniform to wear, or a tablemate, or the permanent classmate make me kinda sad. I start to notice things, like when I eat in canteen I'd suddenly feel like 'maybe it's gonna be one of my last times here', ...and today I just had my last flag ceremony, Nothing was really special, but still that was the LAST ceremony.  And I'm gonna miss my friends for sure, those people make everything easier than how it should be..

But at the other side, I feel rather excited to have a change. to be a 'Mahasiswa'. I can't wait for something new to happen. Although I'm kinda afraid, because honestly socializing and adapting aren't not ones of my strong points.

After National Exam, I'm gonna have SNMPTN, dumdumdumdumdumdum. Hearing its name already makes me feel uneasy. I'm still far away left behind my friends. I need to run to chase them. I guess I'm gonna study hard, and harder. For a better future, for my dream.

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