Sabtu, 14 April 2012

My Sassy Girl

I really love this movie, I think it's one of the best romantic comedy movie I've watched. But which one am I talking about? the Korean or American one?

 The story started when a 25 years old lazy engineering student saved a drunk girl in a train station. The girl wasn't an ordinary girl, she's abusive, pretty, and her mood swing was very bad. Somehow they got very close, their relationship wasn't simple. He saw sadness behind her smiles as she kept a secret hidden inside her memory.

This is the kind of movie that will warm your heart. A light movie that has good amount of humor, tear-jerking scenes, and lovely storyline.

Starred by Cha Tae Hyun and Jun Ji Hyun, this movie can trigger the emotion of the audience, and makes them engaged with the story line. For a Romantic Comedy, it has a pretty long duration (123 minutes) But I guess you won't feel it because this movie is just really good.

Both Taehyun and Jihyun  play out their character and show their emotion really well. And also they have great chemistry. At some point you may forget that it's not real story of real people.

My Favorite scenes! (SPOILER ALERT- if you have intention to watch it, I advice you not to read the text below)

When Gyeon Woo gave her a rose in her school, Their stares were so intense, That was the first thing that made me realized they need to be together

When He told the other guy what to do, and what not to do. I cried. it was almost like he had given up on her, and he wanted to make sure that guy would be good to her. it was terribly heart breaking

When they met at the station, and he hugged her like she was the most precious thing on earth. :')

When she shouted from afar. "I'm Sorry", the way she said it "Mianhe..! Mianhe!" really heartbreaking. 

 When they met again. Imagine the happiness <3


I had watched both of them, and I had watched the American one first. I fell in love with that movie right away, I didn't believe when people say that the original one (Korean) is better. But was I right?
Yesterday I finally watched the Korean version one and boy.. I was wrong indeed....
The American one is good, but not amazing. It will leave you smiling, but it won't make you feel the kind of emotion like the Korean one does. And the acting, the chemistry is better in the Korean version.
Basically the storyline was the same, it's just in the American one it shows a rather more mature relationship.

if you want to see a good light movie, I really recommend this one 4/5

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