Jumat, 20 April 2012



YES, UN (The National Exam) is over. And at some point of these last two days I feel like screaming it down to people's ear. Am I relieved? yes. Am I happy? yes. Am I free? Uh huh no, not really -wait the answer is an absolute NO. Because once this exam done, I must face the SNMPTN. and it's not fun.

Well, back to UN IS OVER.
A big part of me is actually asking, "Is this it?" it's not that I want more of this, it's just I feel like, "is it really over already?" I mean you see those tv dramas, movies, or novels show how graduating from highschool is like the biggest moment in life, they show how crazy and dramatic it is. But me? I feel like 'meh'.
it's not that I don't take it seriously, and it's not that I don't consider it as something special. It is very special indeed, it's just not as big as  thought it would be. Maybe, I just had been expecting too much. 
Okay, what am I saying? it's not like they have announced the graduation yet, that's why please pray for me!

I really have nothing to do tonight, a little part of me keeps screaming "why on earth aren't you studying?" that sounds like a relevant question.  But the bigger part insist that I shall not study tonight. Not when it's just two nights after UN, I deserve some rest, don't I?

What do I do to relieve the stress and 'rest'? Well yesterday right after UN done, I, Dian, and Uli went to Lippo to hunt down Korean DVD (or should I say accompanying Dian hunting down Korean DVD while adding one or two to Dian's list?) Nevertheless it was really fun. And today My brother and I had Sushi Tei! Finally! it's been such a long time. And maybe I'm gonna drown my self in the ocean of tv shows, korean dramas, and novels...

By the way have a good weekend people!

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