Sabtu, 24 November 2012

November Rain

Hello Blogie!

there is no better time to write on blog other than 4am-haven't-slept-just-finished-korean-drama-while-drinking-coffee-eating-kerupuk-in-big-sweater-and-socks. Right? ...

Okay, I'm not even sure I'm fully conscious right now, but please just bear with it.

Alright, I hadn't been able to write here earlier I had been really busy and somehow I kept postponing to update you. However here I am, ready to fill you with new stories.
Ah November, so many stories I'd like to share, but I'm not a wordsmith, no matter how much I try to form the sentences in my head, I always fail in telling stories..

November Rain
November Rain 
November Rain
I can't possibly be the only one who read/heard it a lot these days. Twitter, bbm, everywhere people saying 'November Rain' every time it rains. and it rained everyday. I looked up in google and found that it's a title of a song from Gun N' Roses. However, I don't think those friends of mine who update their status with 'November Rain' actually listen to that song. well... yaudahlahyah

November Rain
November Rain
November Rain
Yes. It rains A LOT this November. The weather has been lovely. It's relatively cold even in the afternoon, and I'm practically freezing by night. Thank you so much for all the rain ya Allah. Although sometimes I got trouble from the all the rain, they really make me happy. Rain makes me happy, the cold weather puts me in the best mood. I guess this is actually the first time I like Depok. The city that burns has gotten so nice.
Every time I got out of the building, I would always say "Such a nice weather! I'm so happy!" ...ask Dity and Zan if you don't believe me. I'm not exaggerating anything, I really am happy. I could even wear sweaters!

Last week we all had a long weekend, from Thurday to Sunday! such a great holiday. I didn't go anywhere significant, and I literally spent those days on my bed with my laptop watching dramas and just being a lazybum. And since it was Ibeb's birthday, we had a big family dinner. We ate at Shabu Slim, an all-you-can-eat restaurant which have shabu and sushi as their main course. It sounds interesting right? too bad they only gave 1 and a half hours too eat.
Anyway it seemed like my parents had a fight on that weekend, home was great, but it wasn't exactly warm.But on good note, my brother reported that they started talking again by the time I got back to Depok. I wonder why...

I had a physic quiz on Friday, therefore me and dity were "studying" at Thursday night. and  suddenly at 10.30 pm, Dity's mom came and brought sushi tei. Honestly, never in my wildest dream I dreamed of studying physic while eating sushi. haha. Thank you mamahnya dity!

Oh and on that Friday, Lintang had her 19th Birthday! Happy Birthday Lintang! wishing you all the happiness!

By the way, I joined a Tim Sukses! the number one! #1inklusif1nspiratf Kak Muji!
another out off character things for me to do, but I guess I just want some experience and I believe he'll do good to his people.

I know I've told you too much, but there's another big thing this week
iCarly ends!! it finally ends!
It was sad, seeing people in fandom come back to see and fangirl iCarly for the very last time
But... it was even more pathetic when Carly kissed Freddie, I mean like whaaaaaaaaaat?

That's all my stories I know you may think this post is pointless, but that's just how I write..
At the end I just want to say, these few weeks have been great.
November Rain
November Rain
November Rain
November Rain 

please be a December Rain too :) 

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