Minggu, 04 November 2012

end of october, start of november


How's my week?

The good news is, The Midterm test is finally over!
The bad news is, it was horrible, it's painful to remember about it

Many things happened this week, 31st of October, Ova's birthday and also the day when she and radit finally officially together! 3rd of November, I attended FORSIL which was seriously fun, I did something super out-off-character, I danced SNSD songs in front of all those people. yep. me. dancing. Those words should never be put in one sentence.  Someone recorded it, but I don't even want to know haha
A quality weekend with my older brother, we had Holycow! damn it, that steak was really good that it made my head hurts. literally. 

I guess I don't have much to tell you, that's all about my life this week, honestly.

October ended pretty well, many things happened that month, I'm wishing the next October to be even better.
And Hello November! I know it sounds cliche, but please be nice :)

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