Sabtu, 10 November 2012


I used to be someone who wants a lot of things
I used to have goals I want to achieve
I used to dream big
I used to know where I'm going

but now
all I want is holiday
every second of the day, I'm waiting for weekend
I'm dreading for time when I have nothing to do

I never liked Monday, but I never hated it.
now I loath Monday

What is wrong with me? Am I just  simply getting lazier?

I feel like I lost all the passion in my body, it feels like nothing can excite me anymore
every time something good happen, the happiness level never goes up to its maximum point.
I've been happy, but never 'I'm-so-happy-I-could-die' kind of happy.

I remember the first two years of high school, something that can kept me happy was my obsession of 'New York City'.
The third year, I was obsessed  ITB. It was literally all I talked about. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was what kept me going no matter how tired and sick I was.

Those dreams kept me sane, they kept me alive. 

But now I don't even have any dreams. I'm not running nor chasing anything
I barely make it, walking through every second of my life
The only thing I'm looking forward is weekend
and it feels so wrong

Am I sad?
No I'm not sad. I'm just generally hollow

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