Jumat, 15 April 2011

Here we go NYC!

First of all, I'm sorry for my very rare update. it's almost a month huh? well so many things had happened in a moth....
Well, btw remember when I told you that my mother is going to present her poster/abstract in Global Health Conference which will be held in Washington? Remember when I told you about how unsure I was about getting my visa?
Today.... I just got back from U.S. Embassy! That was such a very thrilling experience! I felt like there was a huge monster doing gymnastic in my stomach. I was nervous that I believed I could faint at any minute..
But it was paid back when the counselor said "okay, your visa has been approved" If I didn't know better I might had literally did a happy dance.

So, it's 90% now. We've got the ticket booked. Now I can only pray to Allah SWT. Hopefully my trip to US will go without any hindrance :)

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