Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

entertaing my self

Here's  a little fact about me : I'm good at entertaining my self.

Do you know who was my best friend in first grade? The school fence.
Well, first I went to the Tarakanita Elementary School. Actually  it was a nice private school, but maybe because I was probably the only kid who had gone to a different kindergarten. I fell left out, and it was so hard for me to make friends. This school had a big blue fence. Everyday I'd just be hanging around by the fence and looking if my 'nurse' was there waiting for me.
Due to my endless babbling and crying in every morning, my parents decided to move me into a school named 'Yustia Puri' this school was a private school too and it was really close from my home. The school wasn't fancy like Tarakanita but it was alright. The kids were so much more down-to-earth so it wasn't that hard to make friends. But I was a very shy girl, very self-conscious (especially because I was taller than all of the girls. Sorry bitches but I was born to be a model :p). So the first few weeks I didn't really have friends. And Guess what? the school also had a big fence. So I played with the fence, people find it weird but actually I felt like playing in a big playground. So then those mothers told my nurse how lonely I had been, they said something like "your kid is really weird!" "her face is so arrogant" "she doesn't have friend, her friend is the fence!" (I know it because my nurse told me about it later). But I didn't feel bored or lonely. I was just entertained enough...
few weeks ago my mother bring me a poster of New York which has been framed. I played with it from almost 15 minutes. I just keep flipping it with hand, feet and did another weird thing. I didn't realize what I was doing until it hit me that I had been spending my spare time playing random weird thing with a poster..
The similar things happen pretty often. I'm good at entertaining my self.

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