Senin, 14 Januari 2013

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This post is dedicated to the unforgettable 2012 

The year where I had dreamed, strived, tried, believed, and fallen
The year where I had grieved and cried like never before
The year I learnt, sometimes God has better plan
The year I got to say Good Bye to School life, and say Hello to University Life
The year I learnt to let go of past
The year where I met hundreds of new people
The year I left my home
The year which decided the future
The year that changed me forever


The first part of this year I was Nadya Rizki, the 12th grade student of SMAN 8 Tangerang. The girl who was madly obsessed with ITB, which stickers filled the cover of her notebook. My life revolved around studying and itb. Ah life was easy.  I went to school at 6.30, went home at 3, sometime there were courses and then I'd spend the night home. And then I was chosen to be a part of the BTS comitee, it was complicated and not exactly fun but I didn't regret being a part of it. Then UN came, we all went our seperate ways, but since most of us went to the same tutoring courses, we still met each other everyday.

This year, my home got renovated.  After hundreds of times discussing to move to a more developed city, we finally decided to just renovate our home. It got bigger, and yes my room got wider. And I've told you before, you must have seen the picture too, I drew a world map.  one of my favorite part about this room.

And then SNMPTN, one of the biggest day in my life,  I had been really sure I'd get in. Honestly it still hurts to remember about it. As I said, this year I had fallen, I had grieved, I had cried like never before. My friend once told me that 'failing' doesn't exist in my dictionary. Well, it does now.
I was caught, traumatized. Not sure whether I should start dreaming again or not.
At the begining of this year, I was a girl full of dream, passion and glee.

I didn't get ITB (obviously), but I got accepted in UNPAD and UI. There was a war inside my head, UNPAD is in Bandung, and you know how much I love that city. But, I chose UI (as you know it) and here it began, my life as a university student..

So, I moved out and I've been living in Depok. There are so many changes in my life right now. So many new faces, new people with new characters. I need to adapt, fast. You know that I'm not good with strangers, I'm still trying to improve my self in that part. So many new friends too. To sum it up, I feel like I had just moved to a new home. I got a new family too. In this family, I'm still trying to see which part of this family I'd fit in. I also meet these great people I call bestfriends. Honestly I don't know what would I be without them.

College life! I guess I shouldn't whine, no matter how hard it is being in Mathematics. The way I see it, it's really different from high school. In High School, there were still some people whose grade were always below yours. But now, it's just so unexpected. Everyone is madly competing to be the best. You close your eyes for a second and suddenly you're alone at the bottom of this mad chain. Oh and I took a part of LOGKA2013 comitee!

at the end of 2012 I was a girl who doesn't really know where she's going, living life as how it's given.

This year was closed with UAS hahah, such a fun way to end the year of suprises ;)

Thank You 2012
For the experience you gave
For those smiles and laughters
For those tears and killed dreams
For the lessons
For everything
Let's wish for a GREATER2013! 

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