Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


Well I should have posted it 2 weeks ago, but I never really had the right time to write it down, and now that it has passed too long, I don't know what to write anymore.

Anyway, I just went through 'Pengenalan Departemen Matematika' or let's just call it 'PDM'. It's another orientation in department level. It was only for three weeks, but the impact has been uncountable
It was hard, devastating and absolutely, undeniably tiring. It was consuming time and energy. But damn, it was awesome.

Many of my friends from other places (university, department) hate their department orientation, they believe that it has no use, and that it's just a way for the seniors to gain respect or even get revenge. Well, I used to feel that way, until the first week. Because then suddenly it hit me how great it was. 
I could feel the impact right away. Before PDM we barely knew each other. We only knew those who were in the same class with us and we felt satisfied with that. But through PDM we got to know each other really well. We grew into a big family of Math'12. Other than that, I got to know the seniors who are awesome, and prepare to be a member of the Math family. I know I may sound exaggerating but well I do feel that way.

One of my favorite moment is definetely the last one, when we were told to close our eyes and ponder about Radit being the head of our batch. And the when we opened our eyes suddenly someone threw water from behind. Then suddenly all of the batch 2010 were doing the "yel-yel". It was so sudden, I didn't expect that day to end at 3 pm therefore I felt like I was being struck by lightning. And then it hit me that it's all over and my eyes got teary.

In conclusion I'm so relieved that I joined this PDM, and went through all of the progress.
And so thankful to the seniors who have put all of these for us

And also excited to be a part of this new family.


and maybe I'm gonna miss this place, the place where we used to do our 'apel pagi' and 'apel sore'
so many things happened here

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