Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012



This week had been chaotic.
Last weekend I spent my days off being sick on the bed. It was really bad, I constantly felt nausea especially when I saw foods. I even skipped my class on Monday. By 12:30 am of Tuesday I was still crying from my sickness. Twelve hours from that, I had my Statistic UTS. How was it? It was awful. it was terrible. it was a nightmare. And then the day after that dreadful uts I had my Physic uts. oh it was lovely. lovely to be forgotten. What can I say it was probably as bad as the statistic. I feel really bad though. I feel really bad for Mrs. Ida, I hate knowing that my score will be a disappointment. And then I also had Teobil quiz! it was fun! *please notice the sarcasm* And Thrusday I had mpktb uts! I won't even tell you how it went. 
I would never say I like this week, but hey! I got through this week alive therefore I should be thankful. yep

On the good side, I went home on Thursday! we had the lebaran haji in Friday, as always my big family gathered in my house, it was started in the morning and somehow it got dragged until night. At first we only ate laksa and ketupat, somehow we ended up making roasted fish, and mpek-mpek. Oh not to forget that it was my Dad 53rd Birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! I love you soooooooo much <3
On Saturday we threw a dinner party with my dad's family. well it wasn not exactly a party. just a bunch of people gathered together, chatting, eating and singing kareoke. Nevertheless, it was fun. Meeting the big family has always been fun.

And here I am, 1 am still writing this post. I should start studying but somehow I feel obligated to write it, just to update this blog. Otherwise I would have no other time to do it. 

I am currently typing it in my room. not my kostan room. My own room. with my old speakers. and a cup of hot coffee. It reminds me  with those good old nights~

I miss this kind of moment. I really do. 

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