Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

new room! world map!

I had never told you before, but in these last 4 month I didn't live in my own home, because our home was being renovated. But now, I've moved back. I gotta say I am really happy with the renovation because my room got bigger, and I get my own bathroom
So, do you remember how I used to draw on the wall of my bedroom?
remember these?
....and others went stupidly undocumented

Well, those are from my old room, As much as I love making those, I got bored with marker and I wanted to make something bigger, and more serious. My Idea was to make a big mural about a city or yeah something like that. But I ended up making this big World Map. People asked my why I made this. What's the point?
If you know me well enough, you'd know that my goal is to travel around the world. And so I made this to remind me that I need to travel around the world. To remind me that I must work hard and I can't give up.
It may sounds arrogant but I don't want my dream to remain a dream. I want it to happen and I know with enough works and prayers, Hopefully Allah SWT will make it come true for me. :D

Yeah I know that it's not neat. And there are some major mistake such as Rusia gets smaller. And I accidentally erased New Zealand haha. I'm sorry. I've planned to repair it, but I got so lazy these days
...As much as I wanted to claim it my very own work, I really need to credit my best friend, Ulia for helping me making it. Thank You So Much ULEE!

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