Senin, 31 Januari 2011


Hello again :D
So it's Monday, and I already miss Sunday like so damn much! School is kinda killing me with those tests and the fact that I have to get good grades. I told you that I'll have some improvement. Well I guess I'm trying. but it's getting harder, it feels like everything I do will never be enough. I should never have taken anything for granted. Right?

I really am tired. I barely have time for my self! Now every time I go home from school, it's whether I have to go to the tutoring or work out. None of them is fun. But once again, Sometimes we have to push our self to its limit. and there are some things that need to be done. do whatever it takes \m/

I'm just a normal girl, I envy those who look good with no effort, I envy those who have passion for studying. I get jealous to those who have a lover on their side. Because unlike them, I have to work pretty hard to get what they already have. But I believe that the difficulty will only thicken my skin

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