it's holiday! time for me to rest, have a good amount of sleep, and just lazy-ing around all day. hooray!
except not.
This year, Mbak Lia decided to go home to her hometown. I know that it's her rights and I wish for her safety, and may she has a good time there. But I just can't wait for her to come back again
Let's just say if washing dishes burns calories, I'll be a model after this holiday. Tons of dishes and clothes to wash I don't even know where to start. And sleeping? meh. Like usual I would go to sleep by three/four in the morning. The thing is, my mother would yell if I sleep 'till noon like I usually did. So my time to sleep has been cut off by those dirty clothes and dishes. To help my self, I even use Styrofoam plates, but that doesn't seem to help much either.
on the other hand, my heart and my brain are not exactly in a good relationship. I want to be logical, and I know, my brain knows which one is the right thing to do, which one is wrong. But it's not that easy!
I should have known it from the start. meh. meh. meh.
Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012
Senin, 20 Agustus 2012
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012
Alright! OSPEK! Orientation!
a week ago I just had Ospek in Faculty level, PSAF. Hooray!
The ospek its self was not so rough, it was full of inspiring seminar and talk show. Sure, there were a division of the commission that was ordered to be rude, offensive and ANGRY all the time, but other than them, the other comission were rather kind and friendly
The one who are angry all the time is the panel division. "FOKUS DEK FOKUS!" Hearing those word can make all thw new students straight up their sitting posture immediately. Yep those are the signature words from the lovely Panel Division. I know they did it because it was their job, and also for our own benefit. But honestly, without decreasing my respect for them,... they were annoying as heck. When they ask you a question and you don't answer they'll scream "MAHASISWA ARGUMEN", and when you answer they'll try to analyze your every single word, find a hole and dig it up to bury you. haha. They can be confusing too. One day, the leader asked the students who didn't finish the project to go the front. But since too may students did, he asked us to stop coming to the front. But there was a very loud mouthed senior from behind still shouting "CEPETAN DEK! KALO DISURUH MAJU YA MAJU!" ..and so the students went to the front again, then of course the leader got all angry and blamed us.
all the Panel Divission did was only shouting, verbal abuse. But it was pretty memorable.
I won't say I hate them though. Without them the OSPEK its self won't be as fun and as memorable as it is.
And they really taught us to be discipline, and train us with the hardship of campus life
So, Thank You :)
The Ospek was only for two days. Yep, it wasn't long at all.
But! the Assignments were really really a lot. I'm not exaggerating at all.
I only slept for like 4 hours every night in week
And the for last night, I only slept for an hour. and I didn't even finish it yet. As the Adzan subuh came, I was copying my essay from computer to papers. As I was wrtting, I cried. Like really cried. Tears came streaming down my face, wetting the paper I was writing on. I kept writting while crying and keep saying "I want to stop. please, I want to sleep, I don't want to go on. please. please."
LOL, everytime I remember that morning I always laugh, How could I be that desperate?!
At the end, I feel so Thankful that I got the chance to attend PSAF. Thank you for all the seniors who had been really great, and also for creating an awesome event. also Thank you for MIPA'12! You guys are totally awesome! I feel like hugging each of you at the end of the event haha
Name Tag
Buku Perkenalan ( 200 Biodata, masing2 department 40 orang)
My Room Condition
for a week until PSAF done
I honestly don't even think that room was 'liveable'
p.s. I swear those assignment look so much simpler in photos.
Lebaran part Tebet!
Whoa! it's Lebaran already! Minal aidzin Wal Faidzin :)
This Holy month comes to end. It's such a huge shame for me, I honestly feel that I really waste this month. I feel like didn't do enough. I wish I'll still meet Ramadan next year. I swear I'll do better. Amin.
So, yesterday we celebrated Lebaran Ied in my home! Despite the fact that Mba Lia is going home to her village and all the mess will be my responsibility, it actually went really well
My mother is the oldest from 6 sisters, that's why we celebrate it here since my mother's parent have passed away. The foods were great! We had laksa, opor, rendang, dendeng, and ketupat for sure. I'm not a bog fan of ketupat, but I'll be damned if there's no ketupat in ied celebration.
Just like usual, of course there were "giving THR". Yep the part that all the kids and teenagers around Indonesia have been waiting. But am I the only one whose THR always decrease each year?
Okay, The "Giving THR" part was really fun! not only teens and kids but all the mothers also queued, and they were even fiercer than us. Looking at the photos bellow, I really wish you'd understand, we are not that greedy, it was also for the sake of festivity. LOL :D

My Dad <3
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