Kamis, 14 Juni 2012


'Ottoke' is an Korean word which means 'What to do?' if you watch Korean Dramas without dubbing I swear you'll hear that word a lot. I don't know, seems like Korean likes to ask 'What to do?' every time a problem comes. Anyway that's not what I want to talk about in this post-
"What to do?" -- what to do now that I no longer have to study?

Yesterday I bought two novels, which are finished by now and I kinda regret it because now I have nothing to read.
The first one is 'Remember When' by Winna Efendi, and the second one is 'I for You' bu Orizuka. Both of the writers are my favorite. Winna Efendi wrote 'Ai' (which is one of my favorite teenlit ever) and Refrain. While Orizuka wrote those old novels when I was in Junior High School such as 'Summer Breeze' and 'High School Paradise'

By the way, don't expect me write a review, you know I can't do it.

Both of them are great, go buy it and read!

- The first book was good and a pleasure to read. The story was a little bit anticlimax and as usual sadness tone is everywhere. The problem is, the name of the main male character is exactly like my friend's name. and this friend's characteristic has nothing similar to one in this novel. BUT it didn't stop me to vision this one friend as the main character. I tried to stop, I really did but I failed. I ended up feeling nothing while reading it. In sad and serious scene, I felt almost blank. I wanted to be sad, to feel the emotion but I could not picture my friend doing that kind of scene! laugh all you want but it really sucks

- The Second one is really good! it's kind of ridiculous in the start. I almost stopped reading it and decided I shall not read TeenLit anymore, but I went on and then  found that the story isn't as shallow as I thought it would be. It's really sad. There are so many parts that can make you tear up.

 good books are good friends indeed.


Okay, after finishing the books, I went back to my old habit. My very own nirvana, my laptop, colorful christmas light, darkened room, coffee, speaker and most importantly internet! lol

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