Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Across The Sea With Science 3

On Monday 31st April we had a trip to various islands. It was a farewell trip to mark our last moments being together. We gathered at Riza's home at 06:00 am then went to Tanjung Pasir. We went there by 'angkot' that Riza's parent helped to rent. It wasn't the most comfortable transportation, and we were all cramped up. But being with them make me forget about those unimportant things.
First we went to the Onrust island, we saw a museum about that island in Deutch colonial's time. It was absolutely felt like a field trip LOL.  And then we went to the 'Kelor island' From afar that Island  seemed extremely gorgeous, with its white sand and old fort but as we came nearer, the beach was rather dirty and too 'declining'. So we couldn't play there. But we visited the old fort though. I understand why it had been named 'Kelor Island' the island was only as big as 'Kelor Leaf' (well not really but it was really small)
After much arguments and considering we finally chose to go to Untung Jawa island, because apparently to enter Bidadari island you need to pay for about Rp 60.000 and we refused to pay that much.

At Untung Jawa we stayed untill 4 p.m because it was raining and we were afraid about our sailing to go back home. We had so much fun, we played Banana Boat and basically going to the beach is fun even without doing anything extraordinary. I played two banana boat two time, it was really fun! I wonder since when I've been an adrenaline freak.  We exchanged gifts, mine was given to Cici, and I got a cute Angry Bird mug from Irma.

Here are the photos:::

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