Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Encounter with a Stranger

Today, I went to the mall with Riza, Ami, Icis and Nawang. Riza treated us Pizza Hut for her birthday.
My mother was supposed to pick me up to go to Depo Bangunan. I really like going to that store, you know I'm very interested in 'building home' thingies. But, somehow Indosat (My cell phone service provider) decided that it was the best time to mess up the network. And in the end I failed to communicate with my mom, I went to the lobby waiting for her but then a bbm appeared saying that and she already left with my brother. I didn't know what had gotten into me, I was really sad,  and I broke down crying. Some people were staring at me, wondering what had happened to that girl sitting alone, crying in front of the lobby of a very busy mall. I'm pretty sure people would think that I must had been dumped by my boyfriend. it's not like I have one anyway.
 There were two bench. both were empty. I sat on one and then a man sat on another. He looked around and suddenly he asked me "Miss, is it a nonsmoking area?" I didn't cry out loud, but I'm sure he could see I was crying and yet asked me such question. So I just gave him a simple "I don't know", my tone was really rude. He was just silent. Feeling guilty, I finally told him "no it's not". He seemed to be a little taken aback by my sudden answer. He said "I didn't notice you were crying, sorry".  I only nodded. He stared at me and suddenly said "Don't cry in public place". I was really taken aback. Fortunately no one was there, otherwise it would be really embarrassing. There was a silence for few minutes, and suddenly he handed me a tissue. "Here, I have a tissue". I took it without saying anything. Few minutes later I left that bench and went in to the mall. Wanting to be polite, I gave him a very simple goodbye which he answered with a smile.

I really felt like I was in some kind of Movie, or a romantic Novel. That man wasn't really old, judging by the look he looked like around 20. He wore a simple shirt and jeans. He wasn't handsome, but he wasn't bad looking either. That moment would had been really romantic if it had stopped right there. But no...

I went straight to the Book Store, Whenever I didn't have direction to go I would always go to bookstore. I could spend hours inside without buying anything. Well, I was reading a book about 'how to draw using pencil'. When I was looking through the pages, suddenly I heard someone said "Hey", I looked up and I found that man standing beside me. I was kinda surprised. And he said "We didn't get to introduce, My name is ----, You?", I lost my interest right at that moment. I know where this was going. At one side I felt flattered, but you know me, I'm not a very sociable person, I'm not good at talking with people I'm not close with. I'm certainly not a big fan of being acquaintance with a random stranger. But again, out of politeness, I told him my name. "Nadya", The conversation went a little like this
The Man: is it alright if I talk with you? I'm not a bad person
Me : yes 
The Man: So, Are you still highschool or college?
Me: Highschool *hoping that it would make the man go away*
The Man: Where's your school?
Me: Somewhere around here... 
The Man : What are you reading?
Me : *showing him the cover of the book without saying anything* *continue reading*
The Man: Do you like drawing?
Me: Yes
The Man: can you draw?
Me: No
The Man: You know, you should collect all your drawing and bind them. You can sell it.
Me : *just nodded*
The Man: Or you can make a book like this one *pointing at the book I read*
Me: I'm not that good
The Man: But the drawing like these seem simple to do *the page I read was showing simple drawing*
Me: *just smiled*
The Man: You know, I also do designing but not on paper, on the computer
Me: I see
The Man: But I work in polymer making *or something like that, I couldn't remember*
Me: Oh..
There was silence for a while, and I took the chance to leave. "I'm sorry, I need to go" I said while putting the book. Not wanting to be rude I smiled. He said "Alright" But then he said "Can I have your number please?". I smiled and I said "I'm sorry but No". he was taken aback for a while and finally said "Oh Okay".
Well the sweet moment turned cheesy.
I barely looked at his face when he was talking, I really didn't want to be rude but I was not interested at all.

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