Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

entertaing my self

Here's  a little fact about me : I'm good at entertaining my self.

Do you know who was my best friend in first grade? The school fence.
Well, first I went to the Tarakanita Elementary School. Actually  it was a nice private school, but maybe because I was probably the only kid who had gone to a different kindergarten. I fell left out, and it was so hard for me to make friends. This school had a big blue fence. Everyday I'd just be hanging around by the fence and looking if my 'nurse' was there waiting for me.
Due to my endless babbling and crying in every morning, my parents decided to move me into a school named 'Yustia Puri' this school was a private school too and it was really close from my home. The school wasn't fancy like Tarakanita but it was alright. The kids were so much more down-to-earth so it wasn't that hard to make friends. But I was a very shy girl, very self-conscious (especially because I was taller than all of the girls. Sorry bitches but I was born to be a model :p). So the first few weeks I didn't really have friends. And Guess what? the school also had a big fence. So I played with the fence, people find it weird but actually I felt like playing in a big playground. So then those mothers told my nurse how lonely I had been, they said something like "your kid is really weird!" "her face is so arrogant" "she doesn't have friend, her friend is the fence!" (I know it because my nurse told me about it later). But I didn't feel bored or lonely. I was just entertained enough...
few weeks ago my mother bring me a poster of New York which has been framed. I played with it from almost 15 minutes. I just keep flipping it with hand, feet and did another weird thing. I didn't realize what I was doing until it hit me that I had been spending my spare time playing random weird thing with a poster..
The similar things happen pretty often. I'm good at entertaining my self.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Simon & Garfunkel - America

Simon & Garfunkel - America
"Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together.
I've got some real estate here in my bag"

So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies
And we walked off to look for America

"Kathy," I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
"Michigan seems like a dream to me now."
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I've gone to look for America

Laughing on the bus
Playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said "Be careful, his bowtie is really a camera"

"Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat."
"We smoked the last one an hour ago."
So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field

"Kathy, I'm lost" I said, though I knew she was sleeping
"I'm empty and aching and I don't know why..."
Counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike
They've all gone to look for America

After the big news, my dad came to me and recommended this song, he told me that it was such a good song. Well, he was right <3

Dream I :New York

Hello my underrated virtual diary! Miss me much? haha
I finally succeed encouraging my self to write in here. I just didn't have enough time. You know tumblr? that's the one that had been stealing my time for you, you should blamed him, not me. :D

Well, there was a reason why I titled this post as 'dreams'
I know that you know most of my dreams, such as getting into institute technology of Bandung, and taking the postgraduate program in NYU. but in you know, as much as I love getting the scholarship for NYU, actually all I want is visiting NEW YORK. I want to spend a night watching the chaos of crowd walking  Square, eating those big pizzas, and just being a New Yorker. yes, I am obsessed with this city.

And, here is the big news *drumrolls*
There's this 60% chance that I may be going to US this Juny! YAY!
so my mother entered her abstract to the Global Health Conference that is going to be held in Washington D.C, and the last few weeks we all had been very pessimistic, we had been thinking that maybe the abstract wasn't accepted and qualified to be presented. But yesterday night my mom got an email which stated that her abstract was accepted, and is expected to be presented in the conference! So my mom is going to ask the approval from her Organization which hopefully will pay the cost of transport and accommodation when we're in Washington. and if that succeed, it will be 70%. But then there's something really important. Getting a Visa!  you know it's really hard to get a visa of US, I will be interviewed and asked many questions all in English. There's a chance that I may not going to get one. But I believe that I will. I have to. If I get the visa, it will be 90%. And the rest 10% is up to Allah SWT.
I really wish that the timing won't bother my school life, because if  can't go because my school won't let me. I'll be really mad.
I still can't believe it's happening. pray for me please :D

Ok, back to the title, 'Dream'
I'm pretty sure that you've heard so many people saying that dreams do come true when you have the wills. I know it sounds really cheesy, but it's true! You know I really really do want to go to NY. I keep telling everyone that one day I'll be in New York. Most of my friends are bored hearing me rambling about NY and how I'll be living there. Somehow, in someway my wills got me keep reminding, encouraging, and supporting my mother in making her abstract. and BAM! it's happening!
Well, my daddy always say that if you really want it, Allah SWT will bring it to you eventually.
So, keep dreaming  because dreams really do come true :)

 And really I want to thank Allah SWT for EVERYTHING, and my mother for being incredibly awesome, and my dad for being so supportive with all of my dreams, and basically I just want to thank everyone :)