Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Drunk Ted

My favorite character in my favorite comedy tv show singing my one of favorite cheap trick's song.
Drunk Ted Mosby, Everyone...
this is just too cute

Rabu, 24 April 2013


-The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, Haruki Murakami

I find this line very amusing. It probably also describes most of my conversation with people I'm not close with...

Senin, 15 April 2013

Elementary School, part I

I just read one of my elementary friend's blog, he wrote about his life as an elementary student, and it really brings back so much memories. To be honest, my elementary school life was probaby more exciting than High school, LOL.
I went to SD Yustia Puri, it was a very small private school. Unlike other schools, my school only had one class for each grade, and there were only few of us (students). This school was far from fancy, it was barely able to pay for the teachers. 
It wasn't my first school, I originally went to Tarakanita Elementary School, Tarakanita was honestly a much better school than Yustia Puri, but it was too far and I didn't really get along with the kids. So by the 3rd quarter my parents moved me to this tiny little school
When I first joined the class, there were about 32 students, but at the end only 21 of us stay together.
We went through so much  together! Everything from emonitional fights, groups, suicidal friends and even an angry man with a machete! 


My school was really small, it didn't have any field for us to play sport. But, right beside my school there was a huge field that belong to the people who lived around there. So we always did our sport lesson there and everytime the break time came, we always played together in that field. We were just little kids, we did some mistakes such as throwing our trash around and making the field messy. There was a time when we were banned from the field and we had to do our sport lesson in our small parking lot. Since that time we learned and we tried to always keep the field clean. But, we weren't the only kids who play in that field, sometimes the kids from around also liked to play there. 
One day, we had PE, but our teacher was late so we played alone in the field, then all of the sudden there was this big bald man came so fast while shouting at us. He asked us to leave the field. As if the fact that he was wearing nothing but boxer didn't scare us enough, he came with a machete! Can you believe that?! He came while shouting and lifting his machete up to the air as if we were some kind of animals! We were really scared and so we instantly flied up from the field and hid in our class. It turned out that he saw so many plastic cups in the field and he thought it was our doing, when actually it was the other kids' doing! 
Too bad, my school didn't have enough power to do anything, so there wasn't any official action taken to that scary dangerous old man.


There are so many other stories, I'll share more of them when I have the time!

Minggu, 14 April 2013

Noah and The Whale - Give A Little Love

A very beautiful video featuring a beautifully written song, it's not the official MV, but it works perfectly with the song. 
It shows how simple it is to spread the love in this world, you just need to 'give a little love' 

Well I know my death will not come/ 'Til I breathe all the air out my lungs/ 'Til my final tune is sung/ That all is fleeting/ Yeah, but all is good/ And my love is my whole being/ And I've shared what I could/ But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own/ Don't break his heart/ Well my heart is bigger than the earth/ And though life is what gave it love first/ Life is not all that it's worth/ 'Cause life is fleeting/ Yeah, but I love you/ And my love surrounds you like an ether/ In everything that you do/ But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own/ Don't break his heart/ Well if you are (what you love)/ And you do (what you love)/ I will always be the sun and moon to you/ And if you share (with your heart)/ Yeah, you give (with your heart)/ What you share with the world is what it keeps of you

Kamis, 11 April 2013

beginning of april

Miss me much?

Yes, I had been very busy and didn't have time to update this blog. So you've probably been wondering what was happening to me, and my last post couldn't possibly help either.

These last two weeks I had the midterm test, and yes it's still going on, the last one is Chemistry and it's tomorrow, yay!
The beginning of April was a chaos! I'm kidding,-not really, it's just the mid term tests started on the 1st of April and I can't help but loathing it. Honestly I might have never felt that bad about my self, I don't know I just felt like I had done everything I could, I had put so damn much effort and yet it still wasn't enough, not even close. And it made me mad, it made me really angry to my self. So, yeah the beginning of april wasn't good. 

Enough about midtermtest, right now I'm having a quality time with self.
I just had a relaxing warm shower, alone in a bedroom where I can directly see the Jakarta's skyline while blogging and watching E!channel like there's no tomorrow. I guess it's just really easy to make me happy, as easy as making me sad.

By the way, how are you? how's life?
With everything that's going around in this world, it really is a blessing to be able to say "I'm good", everywhere you turn you see people saying negative things and being ignorant. Whether it's traffic jam or the overly heated weather there's always a reason to not feel good. So, if you're one of those who is able to say "I'm good" confidently, I'd like to say congratulation! finally I find someone who stays positive!

Okay, this post is going nowhere and now I'm rambling with no direction, pardon me

See you!

Selasa, 09 April 2013


I wish I didn't hate my self this much
it's just, every single thing I do just keeps making me hate my self even more
I had never done anything right, and it's just getting harder
I tried really hard to push these feelings aside, but they always resurface
I'm such a mess